Friday, November 28, 2008

Till next time...

Love the bike & boots

'It's awesome'
Just a little push from Papa H

This is how he climbs on...

Lala and Papa H surprised the boys with their own 'real' bikes tonight. Oh, how they LOVED them. They had a blast riding through the alley ways and around the neighborhood. These little men are growing up fast.

We leave Midland tomorrow morning to go to a wedding in Dallas. The boys will miss Midland...but they will cry to leave Lala and Papa H.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey & Tunes

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. We spent the day being lazy watching tv and playing tunes with Uncle Jebo. We are thankful for many things...but most of all we are thankful for our Saviour, our family, our friends, and our health. Praise God for He is good.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Midland...take 2

Chuy is 1 of 4 dogs here, but the boys love him
Who is having more fun?

Tyler always runs tongue out

A bite for everybody

'Send it over Tyler'
'I found a boat'

So we have only had one minor incident so far. We were at the park, and Tyler was chasing a football in the air. He was running so fast. Until he busted it, tripped and barely got his hands down before he landed smack on his face. Well, good and bad. He got up with probably 30 stickers in each hand. Good that he didn't get them in his face! However, he still has several small splinters in his hands. We are slowly doing 'surgery' every chance we get. He is brave and holds the flashlight while I poke around with a sewing needle (by the way, I did call the nurse line and ask if I could do this.) But it's heartbreaking to hear him say 'no more mommy, PLEASE.'

In other news, we spent lunch time at Chuck E Cheese. It's hard to tell who had more fun here. The adults or the boys. However, Tyler did teach Drew how to play air hockey...not quite sure who taught Drew to put his hand in the pocket.

We finished the evening with a walk in the field across from the Honeyman pad. It is how I remember Midland growing up (my mother grew up here and still has family here). Their own dumpsters (which I would love to have now instead of big smelly green trash cans), tall grass, and the flattest land God created providing some of the most beautiful sunsets ever seen.

Monday, November 24, 2008

This is life in Midland...

They love it here! From clear blue skies to tall grass...they couldn't have more fun. Unless you throw Lala & Papa H into the mix. And then it's one big roller coaster of smiles & giggles. It's only been one day and the boys are having a blast.

Stay tuned for shots with the Honeymans :)

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Drew pulling on the lights
Ice sculpture
Hot dogs
A local dentist craving the ice sculpture
Pretending to drill
Tyler on the way to iWOW!
iWOW is the International Winter on the Waterway here in the Woodlands. It is the event that launches the traditional lighting of the doves. They have various cultures arts, crafts, and entertainment. The boys enjoyed 'big as your face' hot dogs, a 4 story snow slide and watching men crave ice sculptures.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Drew looking out for others!

It's a funny story...Drew has been really interested in the nativity set that is sitting on our coffee table in the living room. He loves to pick them up and move them all around. Usually the set is looking at baby Jesus in the center. However, as I came around the corner I saw that all the left statues of the nativity were turned. I asked Drew why he had turned them...'They wanted to watch TV." The TV is off to the left of this picture.
Drew really is a sweet little dude.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A bit of Christmas, a bit early

Helping hang Christmas lights
Drew washing daddy's car
Painting the yard with a roller

Tyler taking a break

Blowing out the Christmas lights
It's such hard work!
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Well, outside our house anyway. We put the Christmas lights up a bit early because we are heading out of here on Sunday till after Thanksgiving. The boys enjoyed watching BJ put them up and especially liked finding things in the garage to play with.