Friday, November 14, 2008


Ok, maybe it's because he is 3 or maybe it's because I was not paying attention. Regardless, today Tyler did something that seriously grossed me out. He came yelling around the corner, 'mom my head is wet.' Well, since he just told me that he had to go potty I asked him knowing I might not get a good answer. 'Tyler, how did you get your head wet?' 'I stuck it in the potty!' Seriously, has this happened to anyone else?

And then we have Drew. Last night he tip toed out of bed and found Daddy on the couch. Curled up beside him and fell asleep. I am going to miss these days when they are gone.


Kaitlin L. said...

Ha...haven't heard of that one, yet; but, I wouldn't put it past Logan at some point :)

Kelly Tarro said...

oh my gosh, that is hilarious! he gave himself a swirly!