Thursday, April 9, 2009

Love Rivalry



I really love being their mom. I love that Tyler has my eyes and my dad's smile. I love that Drew is all BJ. I love that they are super messy, because it's them loving life. I love that they easily laugh and easily smile. I love that they are always looking for the other one. I love that they have conversations about sharing and playing. I love that they never dig alone, play alone, or eat alone....and then you turn around and they are hitting each other over the head, wrestling each other to the ground, and crying. It's down right sibling love with rivalry. I could not imagine it any other's awesome!


The Milams said...

well said. sums up life around here too, and i love it!

The Cocke Family said...

They are so sweet! It makes me ready for number two :)

Lacey said...

Awww man...making me feel like a bad mom...did you read what ellie said on my blog when asked what makes mommy happy and sad?? Messes sad, cleaning up happy. LOL.
Your boys are adorable!