Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Silent Majority

The Woodlands Tea Party
I love this country

Tyler before the activities

Freedom of speech!

Drew praying for his nation

God bless her & keep her!

It was a tea party like none other! I was proud to see hundreds, probably thousands, coming to a local park tonight to protest our current economic situation with the impending taxation.
1 Thess 5:17 for our nation and it's leaders.


Jenni said...

It was great! They estimate over 7,000. We sold a ton of chicken I know for sure. I was burried in the concession stand!

Team Leslie said...

I enjoy reading through yours & Sarah's blogs when I have a chance. What beautiful families, inside & out. And what a great passage - The entire chapter of 1 Thes 5 is a great message...thanks for sharing that.