Thursday, August 6, 2009

and again...and again...and again...

He loves his Pooh blanket

There it is!

Doesn't want anyone to touch the band aid...

In the past 8 months, we have had broken bones for both boys, black or swollen eyes, countless bumps and bruises...yesterday we added...stitches! Like everyone, it's all hands on deck at the pool. Your role varies from mom, lifeguard, guardian of the gummies, and playmate. So after a fun outing at the local play pool, we decided to dry off at the park a few steps away. Who would have thought we would get hurt there?? No longer than 2 minutes into relaxing on the park bench, I heard little feet slip on the steep steps and 'bam!!' I almost missed it, but I turned to see Drew slip off and come chin down on the platform about 3 feet off the ground. It whipped his neck backwards and he fell to the ground on his back. Normally, it's 'you ok little man?' Not this time...his chin was split open like a walnut! Tissue and blood oozing out. Sarah tells me, 'I will watch Tyler' and 15 minutes later Drew and I, bathing suits and all, were walking into the ER. Awesome...because it's viciously cold in the ER anyway...wet suits just about made it unbearable. After 2 and half hours in the ER, not a single tear from Drew, some great pain meds, and 5 'clear' stitches later, Drew walked out asking me for a 'wrpee' (Slurpee) and if he could go back to the park and play with his friends! You are a champ dude, and praise be to God for watching over him....we are blessed to have nothing more than stitches, which he has enjoyed showing off today.


Greg and Joy Ryan said...

poor guy..he is so tough! hope to see you tomorrow

Lacey said...

OH LITTLE DREW!! Don't you know it's not nice to keep giving your mommy a heart attack?? I am glad he is okay!! Boys, boys, boys...what more can I say?

Kaitlin L. said...

Oh Rachel! How are you holding up through all of the bumps and bruises? Great that Drew's in good spirits!

Team Leslie said...

Well, your blog has been full of "great reads" lately. I'm always confident there will be something entertaining to read about. Glad your little guy is o.k. Thank the Lord for sure....& for every OTHER time our children escape major catastrophes:)

tartar said...

Okay, so you are totally freakin' me out about having a boy! :) Glad Drew is such a trooper!

Swartz's Scribbles said...

poor buddy. but what a tough guy.