Friday, January 2, 2009

It's back...

So what a way to start off the new year...with a broken bone!! The sling is back and this time it's for Drew. It's a good thing I had not gotten rid of it. This morning I went into Drew's room and tried to pick him up. He screamed as I reached under his arm and started to lift him (thinking it was the bed again). I could not get into the doctor till 2:45 so we decided to go to a birthday party at Pump it up (it's a bounce house place that is really fun). While there a friend's mother who is a nurse checked him out and we concluded it had to be something with his elbow or shoulder popping out of socket since you could not feel a break or any swelling that would be associated with a break.
Later this afternoon, the doctor examined him by twisting his arm, moving it up and down, having him grab things in air...and thought it might be a behavioral thing. So he was sending us on our way, but as I lifted him he screamed bloody murder! So now Drew thinks his 'armpit is broken.' We were sent over to get 7 x-rays (in order to see if it was rib, shoulder, arm, elbow, collarbone, etc)...and found out it's the collarbone in the same arm that Tyler broke back in October. So gymnastics is out for Drew for 6 weeks...
In the midst of it, Drew continued rocking on the potty training and had NO accidents today even with the excitement of a party, trip to the doctor's office, multiple x-rays, and dinner at Rico's! Way to go Drew! You get an A+!
Oh, and yes we are getting bed rails in the morning!! Obviously! Two broken bones are enough for us.


sarah watson said...

I laughed out loud at 'my armpit is broken'...too many broken bones for the Honey Men!

Kaitlin L. said...

Poor Drew :( I'm glad you guys figured it out, though, and didn't end up getting sent home only to return later. Thanks for coming to the party - Maddie really enjoyed having the boys there!

tartar said...

So sorry to hear it's a broken collarbone :( He's such a trooper, though...hung in there all day! Great to see you guys today!!

Becky Todd said...

Oh no! Jackson will be so sad that Drew won't be in gymnastics! I am sorry that he has a broken collarbone. I have a feeling with a house of boys that this won't be the last broken bone!

Swartz's Scribbles said...

Poor little guy. Hope he feels better soon!

Team Dale said...

OH MY GOODNESS...I can't believe that has happened TWICE!! I love that you still went to PUMP IT UP!! Did he go down the SLIDE??? Love that tough little guy!

Lacey said...

Poor Baby!! Did they fall out of bed?? Tylers happened in Soccer, right? I can not believe your Doc was sending you on your way for behavioral attention. Poor lil' guy. Hope he feels better soon.