Thursday, January 1, 2009

Rocking in 2009

Wii Rock Band 2

The guitarist...
He blew through it with ease!

He took it to the streets!

The drummers...
She brought it!

She was super star!
He rocked it!

And she was a star!

A good night with friends :)
We gathered with some close friends last night to rock in the new year Wii style. Wii for those that don't know is an interactive video game. Our choice game was Rock pick a song and perform it with the hope of staying on rhythm, pitch, beat, etc (including the singers!) can fail out. It's serious and serious fun! Everyone got into it and it was a great time!

Many of God's blessing in 2009 & happy new year.


Becky Todd said...

Looks like I missed a great time! Happy New Year! :)

Lacey said...

We wii'd in the New Year also. :) Love Rock Band!! Meant to tell you that Ellie informed us at dinner that Tyler told her that his mommy has a baby in her belly and he is naming his baby Hadley like our baby. Apparently God is performing a miracle on your end. :)

Honeyman 4 said...

Too funny! Where do they get this stuff...sounds like Tyler is trying to impress Ellie!