Friday, September 11, 2009

A Day of Remembrance

The only place for Hope and Peace...

'We should never forget how delicate and how fragile our freedom is...' Glenn Beck said 'and now most of Americans have forgotten the impact of 9/11.'

Oh how true is this. We have forgotten how our President took a stand for us for our freedom, and never wavered from that position. And yet we brutalized him and ridiculed him.

I was 22. I remember it was a bright, beautiful day. I was alone in my parent's house, getting ready for a speech about chair mats for work...silly, oh so silly...and I remember Sarah calling me to tell me to turn on the TV. I missed the first one, but I saw the second one hit the Towers. I remember sitting in front of the TV with my brush in hand and my knees in my arms. Staring in disbelief. It didn't even look real. It just looked like a bad movie. I don't know how long I sat there, but I remember Sarah and I frantically trying to get a hold of our parents in PA as we watched silhouettes appear in the windows holding on to beams...thinking. Thinking about family, or babies, or the smoke and fire that was coming, thinking about the better jump. And then I remember watching that silhouette jump. Oh, my heart broke. Driving to my seminar, I was in shock, in constant prayer, and constant fright. What was next? The day continued in a daze and I ended up driving 3 strangers to San Antonio that evening. But I remember that our personal security was more than rocked, it was shattered. I remember spending the next 2 days in tears as I watched the news alone in a hotel room in San Antonio. I remember the images of the Twin Towers as they burned and crumbled. I remember Todd Beamer's call to arms on Flight 93 of "Let's Roll."

And then I remember, that God is good. He does not bring evil (that is Satan's doing), but He is there to carry, deliver, and sustain us if we believe in Him as Saviour and Lord of our lives. I remember that my God is bigger then these terrorists and He is faithful.

Freedom is offensive, and many are at work to destory it, but let us never forget what our brave men did at ground zero, in airplanes, those that ran in and not out, to those that defend us today, and a President that would not tolerate what happened to us!

Remember 9/11, remember how we were attacked, and remember why we were attacked and hold on to FREEDOM! GOD BLESS AMERICA...AND HEAL OUR LAND.

1 comment:

Lacey said...

Great Post, Rachel!! Funny how we can all remember that EXACT moment. I was teaching a bunch of first graders at Bush when my assistant Principal walked in and told me. I then got on my computer and watched what I could, while I tried to stay calm with a room full of 6 year olds. Then came the flood of parents moments later, pulling thier kids from school. How quickly we do forget, but when asked, how quickly we all remember THAT moment.