Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I do...I did...

I did a wedding a couple weekends ago, hence the blog MIA. I have been so busy with boys, pictures, preschool, BSF, cleaning my house for showings (our house is for sale), and JL Holiday Market, that the blog has been left hanging. The Market will be here soon, the housing market has slowed down and we are finding a rhythm as we get back into school. So enjoy these pictures and I will get back into blogging about my crew soon.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mimi School

Chalk toes!


Working on letters...sort of...

I is for Indian

Mimi playes educational games with them

The boys have spent two days this week being 'schooled' by Mimi! They enjoy it and love hanging out with Mimi. She is teaching them the sound and words associated with the letter I. It's with the intent to learn the fundamental blocks for reading and writing, a-e-i-o-u. I enjoy it because I get to just watch. With the boys, it's a solid good 10 minutes before they are off to play outside. Dirty is their nature...not sitting, so taking the teaching to the outside chalkboard is key. Thanks Mimi!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

9 Principles, 12 Values

Tune into Glenn Beck's 9/12 Project going on right now! It's not about who you voted for, or what you call yourself, be it Republican or Democrat, but what we stand for...who we are as America.

He quoted the following scripture on air. Ephesians 6:12 'For we do not wrestle against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.' Blackaby, my Bible commentator, says this about that verse. 'If you are a Christian, you are engaged in a spiritual battle of universal proportions. Your soul is in a conflict against the forces of evil, so fight the good fight. As frightening as the powers of darkness may appear, you serve the God of light, and the victory is His!' That's awesome!

The 9 Principles:

1. America is good.

2. I believe in God and He is the Center of my life.

3. I must always try to be a more honest person then I was yesterday.

4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.

5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.

6. I have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results.

7. I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.

8. It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.

9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me.

The 12 values that Glenn Beck is telling Americans they need to embrace are:









Hard Work

Friday, September 11, 2009

A Day of Remembrance

The only place for Hope and Peace...

'We should never forget how delicate and how fragile our freedom is...' Glenn Beck said 'and now most of Americans have forgotten the impact of 9/11.'

Oh how true is this. We have forgotten how our President took a stand for us for our freedom, and never wavered from that position. And yet we brutalized him and ridiculed him.

I was 22. I remember it was a bright, beautiful day. I was alone in my parent's house, getting ready for a speech about chair mats for work...silly, oh so silly...and I remember Sarah calling me to tell me to turn on the TV. I missed the first one, but I saw the second one hit the Towers. I remember sitting in front of the TV with my brush in hand and my knees in my arms. Staring in disbelief. It didn't even look real. It just looked like a bad movie. I don't know how long I sat there, but I remember Sarah and I frantically trying to get a hold of our parents in PA as we watched silhouettes appear in the windows holding on to beams...thinking. Thinking about family, or babies, or the smoke and fire that was coming, thinking about the better option...to jump. And then I remember watching that silhouette jump. Oh, my heart broke. Driving to my seminar, I was in shock, in constant prayer, and constant fright. What was next? The day continued in a daze and I ended up driving 3 strangers to San Antonio that evening. But I remember that our personal security was more than rocked, it was shattered. I remember spending the next 2 days in tears as I watched the news alone in a hotel room in San Antonio. I remember the images of the Twin Towers as they burned and crumbled. I remember Todd Beamer's call to arms on Flight 93 of "Let's Roll."

And then I remember, that God is good. He does not bring evil (that is Satan's doing), but He is there to carry, deliver, and sustain us if we believe in Him as Saviour and Lord of our lives. I remember that my God is bigger then these terrorists and He is faithful.

Freedom is offensive, and many are at work to destory it, but let us never forget what our brave men did at ground zero, in airplanes, those that ran in and not out, to those that defend us today, and a President that would not tolerate what happened to us!

Remember 9/11, remember how we were attacked, and remember why we were attacked and hold on to FREEDOM! GOD BLESS AMERICA...AND HEAL OUR LAND.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Backpacks & Boots

Super proud of his Anderson Bean Black Ostrich Boots from Lala & Papa H...oh and with guitar in hand. Just looked too cool for school. 'Drew, you done gone grown up on me! Stop that, you hear!'
Almost growing into these...

Drew loves Tyler...
Ah, our preschool started today. They walked in brave, never looking back. Which I imagine will always be the case. Their teachers are ones that have either had them before or had the brother, so we already know them. Drew was very excited and all grins that he got to go into Tyler's old classroom and have his teachers. And Tyler couldn't wait for me to find his new one. So, off for another year at preschool....soon to draw to a close. I will be sad to see this part of their baby days gone. It's sweet, it's innocent, and it teaches God's Word. Nothing better, except for BSF on Wednesdays.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Who are these children, and why are they calling me mom?

BJ and I reunited with the boys this weekend in Fredricksburg for a wedding!! It was awesome to see them. And WOW, the location of this super intimate wedding was breath taking...everything was beautiful. We didn't get a sitter for the boys because we falsely assumed that they would be the sweet angels I know they can 'sometimes' be. OH NO...the horror! It started at the rehearsal dinner when it was funny to tap the glasses with spoons, screaming bloody murder just before the vows, and ended with a melt down fit when they tried to cut in line at the reception. We didn't stay long at either event, and I am sure they were not as bad as I thought, but it was definitely embarrassing and I won't be taking them to another wedding till they are over 18!

The boys are already missing Lala camp and I will post some pics soon from Lala.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It's a 'B' day

The boys are running wild and having a blast in Midland. Today was letter 'B' day. :) They woke up to b-ananas, went to B-arnes n Noble to read b-ooks, got new cowboy b-oots, had b-ubble gum and B-aby Ruths, rode a downtown Midland b-us for an hour, had B-B-Que for dinner, and sang 'Take me out to the b-all game' to name a few.

Around here, I don't have anyone waking me up at 6:30 am, I don't have anyone pulling or screaming, or anyone to feed...but I miss all that. So today, I went to a friend's house to take pictures of a baby...my own 'B' day. She's a perfectly beautiful baby. I can hardly remember when my little b-oys were little b-abies!